The logo for Stone Yoga School, which features text with "one yoga" highlighted in a darker color, and a brushwork element of a trishul.



Get ready to celebrate the 13th anniversary of Bhakti Fest, the ultimate Yoga & Conscious Music Festival! Immerse yourself in a magical hi-desert setting at the Joshua Tree Lake & Campground as we commemorate this special occasion. Join us for a weekend filled with music, yoga classes, breathwork, sound healing sessions, spiritual and wellness workshops, a vibrant Kidsland, and much more.

My schedule:

Thursday, Sept 26: Pre-Immersion

*pre-immersion is booked in addition to a festival ticket ($80); you'll find it 3/4 down the tickets page

BOLO • Embodied Bhakti with DJ Drez

Janet Stone & DJ Drez will guide you through the heart and power of bhakti yoga—the yoga of the heart—or an exploration of devotional story telling, mantra, dance, all against a backdrop of creative beats that match and awaken our unique heart beat. We’ll express the fullest sense of embodiment and from there how to let this sense of devotion move through us, so we can share it with others.

To practice bhakti is to practice loving what is, embracing it and transmuting it - grief, ugliness, passion, grasping, desire, fear - into a force for flow, presence, and change.

Together we’ll explore:

  • Storytelling as a way to ground and share the human experience
  • History and practices of bhakti yoga
  • Permission, reverence, how to honor the teachers and teachings
  • Mantra, meaning, and application into daily life
  • The powerful instrument of voice and sound
  • The healing properties of sound
  • How to share these practices in community and with students

Friday, Sept. 27: 3-4:30

WELCOME HOME with DJ Molly Barber

It’s that feeling when you walk in the front door after a long journey… We will welcome ourselves home, into our own authentic being. We will reclaim our body and voice. Through yoga, breathwork, and mantra we’ll shed layers of conditioning that have distanced us from our true expression. This session offers a space to explore the healing power of movement and sound, empowering you to embrace yourself wholeheartedly.  

Saturday, Sept. 28: 9-10:30

SURYA | radiant energy

Waking into the light of a new day, let’s harness the power of the sun to awaken our spirit and energize our body. Through 108 sun salutations, energizing breath practice and meditation, we will connect with the life-giving force of Surya (sun), symbolizing new beginnings and endless possibilities. This practice invites us to embrace each new day with vitality and purpose. We’ll step into our day feeling refreshed, empowered, and ready to shine your light into the world.

Sunday, Sept. 29, 11-12:30

INTEGRATION | Samanvaya,

On Sunday, we integrate the experiences of our desert bhakti-full gathering so that we may carry its essence and potency into our daily lives. Through bhakti yoga practices we”ll reintegrate the parts of ourselves that we’ve lost along the way moving towards our wholeness. Samanvaya (harmony) cultivates communion and unity within yourself and with the world around you.

Learn more

Register through Bhaktifest

book pre-immersion separately

Janet Stone

Janet Stone

Janet’s studentship began at 17 under the meditation teachings of Prem Rawat. His reverence for simplicity and finding joy in the rise and fall of life live on in her practice and teaching today. In 1996, she traveled to India, the birthplace of her grandfather, and became dedicated to the path of yoga. Janet blends the alchemy of her own practice with decades of studentship. She aspires not to teach but to allow the practice to emanate from her, letting awareness blend with movement and breath. Based in Bali and San Francisco, she leads immersions, retreats, workshops and more.

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