Flow, Align & Assist • Daytreat
The logo for Stone Yoga School, which features text with "one yoga" highlighted in a darker color, and a brushwork element of a trishul.

Flow, Align & Assist • Daytreat


A Daytreat in Columbia Gorge

We'll begin with a morning practice, that includes hands-on assists by some of Janet's long-time assistants. After a break for lunch/brunch we'll gather for a session, focused on energetic alignment, physical alignment and assisting.

Explore alignment in your body and how to support others in alignment through assisting. This immersive daytreat is designed to deepen the practice and understanding of yoga to know oneself through self study (svadhyaya,) the prana vayus, hands on assists and supporting others. Let’s unlock a rich understanding of this practice while connecting with community in a supportive environment. It's a place to experiment and grow on the yoga mat and beyond.

During the workshop, participants will learn:

  • Prana Vayus/directions of life force: We’ll explore the prana vayus as a fundamental principle of alignment that supports both physical and energetic alignment
  • Experiential learning: We’ll use our bodies as a laboratory to better understand our relationship to postures. 
  • Hands-On Assists: Explore effective physical assists in common poses to support greater depth, stability, and ease in their practice.
  • Modifications: Understand how to adapt assists for students with different abilities, injuries, or limitations, and cultivate a safe and inclusive environment.
  • Energetic Assists: Exploring the subtle aspects of assisting, such as using breath, intention, and energy to support students in their practice.
  • Ethics and Boundaries: Discussing the importance of ethical considerations when offering assists, including respecting students' consent and personal boundaries.

Let’s go beyond the routine and unlock the full rainbow of this practice while connecting with community in a supportive environment. It's a place to experiment, play, and grow on the yoga mat and beyond.


Columbia Gorge Yoga

177 W. Jewett

White Salmon, WA 98672


Sunday, February 16

9-4 pm

9-10:30: public class

Break for lunch on your own

12:30-4: daytreat workshop session


Early rates are in effect through January 31. Tuition will increase by $20 on February 1.

Learn more

Early registration

ends January 15
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Janet Stone

Janet Stone

Janet’s studentship began at 17 under the meditation teachings of Prem Rawat. His reverence for simplicity and finding joy in the rise and fall of life live on in her practice and teaching today. In 1996, she traveled to India, the birthplace of her grandfather, and became dedicated to the path of yoga. Janet blends the alchemy of her own practice with decades of studentship. She aspires not to teach but to allow the practice to emanate from her, letting awareness blend with movement and breath. Based in Bali and San Francisco, she leads immersions, retreats, workshops and more.



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Flow, Align & Assist • Daytreat
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