Living the 8 Limbs of Yoga
The logo for Stone Yoga School, which features text with "one yoga" highlighted in a darker color, and a brushwork element of a trishul.

Living the 8 Limbs of Yoga


Go Beyond the Asana. Strengthen Your Foundation. Embody the Soul of Yoga in Your Practice & Teachings.

Many of us in the west enter the practice of yoga through movement. The yoga we “do” when we step on our mats is one aspect of a more extensive set of practices and philosophical tenets that can provide a compass for our lives.

The principles drawn from the ancient texts can strengthen your foundation as a practitioner of yoga, and help you to embody the soul of yoga in your teachings and in your life.

Who This Is For

  • Dedicated yoga practitioners who feel the calling to go deeper, integrating the philosophy of yoga into their daily life & practice
  • Yoga teachers who wish to better understand the 8 limbs, and share it in their own teaching
  • Those who have gone through yoga teacher training, but want to gain a more complete grasp of yoga philosophy before beginning to teach
  • Anyone who wishes to experience more inner peace, strength and freedom in relationship to themselves and others

You’ll Receive

  • 12 weeks of guided study and practice
  • Deep study of the Yamas and Niyamas
  • Weekly dharma talks
  • Seated practices, including meditation, pranayama, mantra and mudra, for each week
  • Asana practices and sun salutations designed to explore each of the 8 Limbs and each Yama and Niyama
  • Lifetime access to ongoing course updates
  • Questions for self-study and contemplation
  • A dedicated Facebook group for discussion and community connection

Course Overview

This virtual course is an opportunity to strengthen the container of your being, and get clarity in your own heart about what practicing the 8 limbs of yoga means in your life.

The 12 week course will cover:

  • Overview of the 8 limbs
  • Overview of the Yamas
  • Preparatory work and reflections
  • Morning form asana practice
  • Opening mantra to Ganesh
  • Ahimsa (Non-Violence) – Practicing compassion and forgiveness
  • Satya (Absence of Falsehood) – Becoming trustworthy to yourself
  • Asteya (Non-Stealing) – Accepting that what is here is enough
  • Brahmacharya (Moderation) – Being awake to the senses but not led by them
  • Aparigraha (Non-Grasping) – Allowing things to come and go
  • Saucha (Cleanliness) – An everyday clarification of your spaces and practices.
  • Santosha (Contentment) – A non-doing experience of relaxing inward in order to realize your inherent “enoughness.”
  • Tapas (Discipline) – A constancy and disciplined fervor that motivates your sustained practice.
  • Svadhyaya (Self-Study) –  Ways of clearing away any misperceptions, as a means to see your life clearly.
  • Ishvara Pranidhana (Surrender)  –  The understanding of how your intentions relate to what you actually give your attention to.

Asana (posture) and pranayama (intentional movement of life force) are explored throughout all 12 weeks of the course. Here, we explore the philosophical and historical thread of these practices in the context of the 8 limbs. Then, we’ll give particular attention to pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses).


The final 3 limbs grow more and more subtle, as practices of focusing the attention. Collectively, dharana (concentration), dhyanna (meditation) and samadhi (absorption) are called samyama (integration), or simply meditation x 3. We’ll explore the subtle distinctions of all three forms of meditation and practices that support stillness.

Recommended Readings

Throughout the course, we’ll recommend readings from the following books. Each module will include a few chapters from each book. These are entirely optional, to enhance the course. Books can be found on Amazon and via other booksellers. Both should be widely available internationally.

  • The Yamas and the Niyamas by Deborah Adele
  • The Path of the Yoga Sutras: A Practical Guide to the Core of Yoga by Nicolai Bachman
  • The Heart of Yoga by TKV Desikachar
  • The Practice of the Yoga Sutra: Sadhana Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, Ph.D.

Certification Hours

The virtual immersion can be taken for 50 continuing education hours, and it is a core course for Janet's teacher training programs.


Enrollment for the 2024 offering of this course is closed. We will open enrollment for the 2025 offering approximately two weeks before the course begins, with options for payment in full, payment plans, sliding scale rates and partial scholarships.

Learn more

Janet Stone

Janet Stone

Janet’s studentship began at 17 under the meditation teachings of Prem Rawat. His reverence for simplicity and finding joy in the rise and fall of life live on in her practice and teaching today. In 1996, she traveled to India, the birthplace of her grandfather, and became dedicated to the path of yoga. Janet blends the alchemy of her own practice with decades of studentship. She aspires not to teach but to allow the practice to emanate from her, letting awareness blend with movement and breath. Based in Bali and San Francisco, she leads immersions, retreats, workshops and more.

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How is this course setup?

We are using an intuitive, yet robust learning platform, called Mighty Networks. Once you enroll in the course, you’ll be invited to join the course + community space and you'll have access to the course intro.

Will I get access to everything at once?

In order to provide a container for this practice and process, one lesson will be covered each week for 12 weeks. As soon as you enroll, you’ll get access to introductory lectures and practices that will thread through the entire course.

I live in a different timezone (or country or continent)? Will I be able to participate in the course?

The course is setup so that it works for individuals no matter where they live in the world. New content will be released each week, and you can work through the practices, videos and exercises at your own pace. The ongoing community connection in the Mighty Network sets up an amazing way for ongoing connection, wherever you are.

Will we be doing a physical practice with this course?

Yes. Each section has an asana practice that corresponds with that week's theme.

How much time should I plan to spend each week?

To a degree, this is up to you. Each week includes a dharma talk (about 30 minutes), practices and reflections. We recommend setting aside one day a week for your deep dive into the week's content, and 20-60 minutes a day for practice with the course materials.

Can I rewatch or review content from earlier weeks?

Yes, absolutely. Once content for a week is unlocked, you will have access to that in the future. You can return to the course at any time and you’ll receive any updates to the curriculum for future course releases as well.

In what circumstances can I get a refund?

The course is non-refundable, since you get ongoing access to the content. If you have serious extenuating circumstances, email and we’ll discuss options.

Who can I email if my question wasn’t answered here?

Email if you have other questions.


I feel so blessed to have been part of Janet’s ‘Living the Yamas’ online training. It felt so beautifully put together, and I really appreciated the structure and support it gave to my practice. It felt luxurious to spend a week on each Yama, and I feel like I came to understand each deeply through it’s connections to the deities, pranayama techniques, stories and asana (not to mention the journaling and sharing experiences on weekly calls with my buddy). The weekly reflections allowed me to understand my own habits and patterns through the Yamas and how to work with myself using the principles of the Yamas as guidance. Janet is so right, this is an ongoing journey. This course has given me the foundation to keep coming back to the principles of the Yamas in my daily practice.

300 hour training student

I had never taken an online course before and I really enjoyed it for many reasons. In terms of my personal practice it gave me a focus for my practice and the self-development work with daily asana, pranayama and mantra. It was also so great, as it served to stimulate a lot of self-reflection of certain behaviors and patterns in my life, as they relate to the yamas. It was great way to connect to the Sangha due to the partner work involved in the course. All of the above served to enhance my teaching and deepen my offerings.

300 hour training student

Janet’s presentation of each Yama is approachable and allows for soul stirring, resounding contemplation. She opens the door to allow the light, and teaches us to honor the parts of ourselves that we may not like all that much, while exposing the beauty within. Her storytelling skills are amazing, and I eagerly anticipate learning each chant from her and the interpretation of sanskrit.

300 hour teacher training student
Living the 8 Limbs of Yoga
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