Svadharma • The Path of Practice
The logo for Stone Yoga School, which features text with "one yoga" highlighted in a darker color, and a brushwork element of a trishul.

Svadharma • The Path of Practice


Svadharma: To Find and Follow the Path of One’s Own Being.

All too often, we look outside of ourselves for the answers to deeply personal questions about the path of our lives or where to focus our energy.

You might try to model after others, because their path looks like what you‘should’ be doing – or its effects look appealing. Or perhaps you simply feel pulled in a million different directions by your culture, loved ones, and otheroutside forces.

A practice of living yoga requires you to turn inward to reveal:

  • What is at your core
  • What is happening at this moment in your life
  • Your current environment
  • What you have ignored
  • What is waiting to be nurtured within


In this 5-week virtual course you’ll explore Svadharma — Sva (own) Dharma(path)

Turning your attention to svadharma will help you discover tools to see beyond your limited perception and gaze deeper into your center, your soul or Atma: “an eternal, conscious, joyful and individual spark of Divine Being.”

Knowing your own soul and center will clarify for you the most compelling and effective path for your life, with all its various circumstances, lineage and passions.  

As a result of this immersion, you’ll experience yoga not only as movement, meditation & breath, but also as a living, powerful practice for every moment of your life.

The 2025 course includes over 12 hours of content captured during Janet's live svadharma immersion. This is a rich and deep exploration of these themes in your life.

Who This Is For

  • Dedicated yoga practitioners who feel the calling to go deeper, integrating the philosophy of yoga into their daily life & practice
  • Yoga teachers who wish to better understand svadharma, and share it in their own teaching
  • Those who have gone through yoga teacher training, but want to gain a more complete grasp of yoga philosophy before beginning to teach
  • Anyone who wishes to experience more inner peace, strength and certainty on their path  

What You’ll Learn

Through the course, we’ll explore sankalpa, our deepest soul longing.

Our sankalpa can be buried by the sounds and visions of what everyone else is doing (or tells us we should be doing), and our patterns, habits, and addictions can also limit our capacity to live fully in our sankalpa. 

We'll explore
  • How to create an altar and practice space
  • How to carve out time (even a little) for practice
  • Meditation
  • Pranayama
  • Sun Salutations with intention
  • Chanting/mantra
  • Morning cleansing rituals based onAyurvedic principles
  • Exploration of sankalpa (intention)
  • Loosening the grip of the habits and patterns that keep us from our sankalpa
  • Nourishment & food as ritual


Course Details

This course is an opportunity to create a personalized practice that connects you to and reminds you of your unique path.  

Each of the 5 weeks will focus on a different theme
  • Introduction: Meeting Ourselves
  • Module 1: Svadharma • Finding our Own Path
  • Module 2: The Yamas and Niyamas ª Exploring Our Values
  • Module 3: Showing up for Ourselves
  • Module 4: Sustaining Our Energy
  • Module 5: Commiting to Ourselves
  • Closing
Each Module Includes
  • An Introduction to the Week
  • Morning Sadhana
    • Meditation
    • Mantra
    • Morning Form
    • The 9 (9 sun salutations)
    • Asana practice
  • Thematic discussions and exercises to explore the key themes
  • Personal contemplations and exercises to integrate the teachings into your life.

The course is hosted on an easy-to-use learning platform, so that each weeks’ materials are at your fingertips.

The immersion can be taken for 25 continuing education hours or as an elective for Janet’s teacher training programs


Enrollment is closed for the 2025 offering of this course. We'll open enrollment for our 2026 offering about 10-14 days in advance of beginning.

We offer options to pay in full, via payment plan and sliding scale rates. We also offer partial scholarships.

Enrollment & Tuition

Janet Stone

Janet Stone

Janet’s studentship began at 17 under the meditation teachings of Prem Rawat. His reverence for simplicity and finding joy in the rise and fall of life live on in her practice and teaching today. In 1996, she traveled to India, the birthplace of her grandfather, and became dedicated to the path of yoga. Janet blends the alchemy of her own practice with decades of studentship. She aspires not to teach but to allow the practice to emanate from her, letting awareness blend with movement and breath. Based in Bali and San Francisco, she leads immersions, retreats, workshops and more.


How is this course setup?

We are using an intuitive, yet robust learning platform, called Mighty Networks. Once you enroll in the course, you’ll be invited to join the course + community space and you'll have access to the course intro.

Will I get access to everything at once?

In order to provide a container for this practice and process, one lesson will be covered each week for 5 weeks. As soon as you enroll, you’ll get access to introductory lectures and practices that will thread through the entire course.

I live in a different timezone (or country or continent)? Will I be able to participate in the course?

The course is setup so that it works for individuals no matter where they live in the world. New content will be released each week, and you can work through the practices, videos and exercises at your own pace. The ongoing community connection in the Mighty Network sets up an amazing way for ongoing connection, wherever you are.

Will we be doing a physical practice with this course?

Yes. Each module includes asana practice.

How much time should I plan to spend each week?

We recommend setting aside 4-6 hours a week for study and practice.

Can I rewatch or review content from earlier weeks?

Yes, absolutely. Once content for a week is unlocked, you will have access to that in the future. You can return to the course at any time and you’ll receive any updates to the curriculum for future course releases as well.

In what circumstances can I get a refund?

The course is non-refundable, since you get ongoing access to the content. If you have serious extenuating circumstances, email and we’ll discuss options.

Who can I email if my question wasn’t answered here?

Email if you have other questions.


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Svadharma • The Path of Practice
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