New moms. Experienced moms. All moms. It's time. Reclaim your body, regain your core strength and light it up from the inside out. I've created these sequences specifically to help mamas of all types find the breath and strength necessary to stay grounded and balanced amidst the glorious chaos of modern motherhood. As a mother of two, I know the energy it takes to nurture and hold it all together can be exhausting as it is exhilarating. The seemingly endless demands of motherhood often mean we place the needs of others before even our own most basic requirements - food, sleep, the luxury of a yoga class - to the point where we can lose connection to our own center. In this DVD I guide you through a variety of powerful ways to reconnect to motherhood as a wild, divine celebration. Jai ma! Includes both a 40 minute sequence and a 20 minute sequence.