An assistant giving a student hands-on guidance in a forward fold
The logo for Stone Yoga School, which features text with "one yoga" highlighted in a darker color, and a brushwork element of a trishul.
1008 Hour Training

Sadhana • Practice for Life • 1008

The 1008 hour teacher training program is a flexible program designed to add 508 hours to your prior 500 hour certification.

You can enroll in this special option at any time, and join the next course in the core curriculum. Peer groups form every 3-6 months.

Yoga as a living practice

This immersion provides multi-dimensional study of the practices of yoga. This program is designed as a hybrid virtual and in-person training.

  • Explore yoga as a living practice.
  • Join a global community of committed practitioners to build connection.
  • Learn through a mix of pre-recorded (on demand) training content alongside live discussion sessions,
    offerings from incredible guest teachers, and live practices.
  • Establish your practice as the guide for sharing with others.

We will begin with a virtual curriculum designed to establish a foundation for your teaching to emanate from your own depth of studentship and lived experience with yoga.

This program is designed to support you in finding your own path as a student and from there, as a teacher.


The curriculum is divided into 6 components:

Training core
35 hours

Dedicated 1008 community, live virtual practices and live discussions

Core curriculum
Svadhyaya — self-study and dharma study (25 hours)
Service project + teaching (30 hours)
Area of focus (100 hours; these can be from other teachers and schools)
Choose your electives (250 hours or more; not included in enrollment fees).


Enrollment is open on a rolling basis.

Enrollment fees include the training core and core curriculum virtual courses. Electives are an additional cost. Virtual courses range from $288-$388 for early enrollment. Residential immersions range from $2500-$4500 depending on location and room type.


$1,008* + Electives

Includes training core and core curriculum
Total Investment

$3,500 - $7,500

The total investment varies based upon the electives you choose. Residential immersions include tuition, lodging and meals.

To enroll, complete the application below along with a $408 deposit to confirm enrollment. The remainder of the enrollment fees can be paid in full or via a 10-month payment plan.


Is this program eligible for Yoga Alliance certification?

Yoga Alliance does not have a registration at the 1008 hour level. However, we are happy to provide a 500 hour certificate to reflect the 500 hours you dedicate to this training

What are the prerequisites?

Prerequisites for the 1008 hour program include completion of a 500 hour certification; usually taken as a 200 hour and a 300 hour training to total 500. This training can be with Janet or another teacher/school.

What are the requirements to complete the program?

See the detailed content above for full details regarding the core requirements and elective options. Generally, the core curriculum includes 55 hours of virtual courses + 35 hours of synchronous learning, which includes a range of live virtual discussion sessions, practices, and peer group assignments.

Beyond that, you can choose from in-person and virtual courses totaling 245 or more hours. In addition, this training is unique, in that you will take another 100 hours to develop an area of specialization (for example, Ayurveda, yoga and recovery, yoga and social justice, yoga for older adults...the options are endless).

When are the live virtual sessions offered and how long do I have access?

Live sessions include any virtual practices, live discussions and guest teachers for the training program, and discussion sessions for the specific virtual courses offered. We require everyone to attend at least 25 live sessions. While you'll have access to recordings of all of the sessions offered, only live attendance in real time counts for those 25 sessions.

You'll have access to Janet's virtual membership upon enrollment and for 18 months from enrollment .

How do the peer groups work?

We'll start peer group twice a year with those who enrolled in the six months prior. We'll gather some information from each person in the training to help us match folks up with their group. We ask about your interests, work-style preferences (e.g., do you prefer a steady schedule or to go with the flow), and location.

From there, we'll match you with a group of ~3 others and a mentor who will support you through the program.

I'm already teaching, can I count my regular classes toward the teaching requirement?

Yes, of course!

How long will this program take?

This program is designed as a deep dive and integration of practice into your life. We expect it will take most individuals 2-3 years to complete.

Are the electives included?

Electives are not included in the enrollment fees or the core curriculum. You can choose your own electives to fulfill the 250 required hours of electives and you'll enroll and pay for those separately.

Who do I contact with questions?

Please email with all other questions.

Living Practice 300 Hour Training